I can't believe it's already September! And I haven't posted for almost a month! How did that happen? Now I'm a few weeks into school with my new group of 3rd graders and I'm totally lovin' it! Of course I'm feeling the back to school exhaustion but I took two naps this weekend so that should help!
I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her September Currently linky party! This is my first Currently linky! Who would have known it would be so much fun!
Here goes nothin' ... ENJOY!
Listening: I like to listen to music as I work on various tasks but I am not a music junkie and probably couldn't tell you what song it is or even who sings it. I just know that it keeps me motivated and focused!
Loving: I have come to LOVE the mid to upper 70's! About a year ago I picked up running as a hobby and really enjoy putting in some major miles on those 70 degree days! And who doesn't love having an extra day to the weekend?! I think that all weekends should be 3 days long! One for cleaning, one for preparing for the next week, and a final day to RELAX!
Thinking: It has almost been a month since my last post! Yikes! I have to admit that I am a bit of a procrastinator. I love reading all my favorite blogs and have many ideas for my own posts but somehow I push it off until I realize it's almost been a month. Does anyone have a schedule they follow that has helped them post more often?
Wanting: Laundry is a never ending battle in my house ... and there are only two of us! We always have a pile in the basement! (good think we have a basement ... so it's out of the way!) My goal is to do one load a day until I get caught up ... then stay on top of it! Although, I'm thinking a maid might be a better solution! LOL!
Needing: This stems from the laundry ... I often stress about everything I see around me that is not in the right place. Therefore I think a weekend away from home sounds very relaxing! Camping has been on our to do list all summer! Maybe this fall will be the best time!
LOVING: There are a few things I LOVE LOVE LOVE ...
FIRST, I really enjoy spending quality time with my boyfriend. Once the school year starts this time seems to lessen although I don't want that to happen this year! Any tips or date night ideas?
SECOND, getting and staying organized is one thing I LOVE as well. It seems to be a daunting task but when it is done I am at ease!
THIRD, I LOVE to run and am training for the Dawn of the Dunes 1/2 Marathon! I have found running to be so relaxing and a great way to relieve stress! A special thanks to Fleet Feet Schererville for getting me HOOKED!
Thank you for visiting! I hope you liked my very first Currently! I look forward to many more! Thank you Oh' Boy 4th Grade Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting!